Al-Zayn Islamic School

Sekolah Islam Al Zayn adalah komunitas belajar yang dinamis dimana keunggulan akademis berkembang bersama nilai-nilai Islam yang mengakar dan komitmen terhadap tanggung jawab sosial. Kami memberdayakan siswa dari prasekolah hingga kelas 6 untuk menjadi individu yang utuh secara keilmuan, berprestasi dalam berbagai bidang, memiliki karakter moral yang kuat, dan memberikan kontribusi yang berarti bagi dunia.

Nurturing Tomorrow's Faithful Leaders
Landasan Nilai Keislaman

Setiap aspek pendidikan kami diilhami oleh prinsip-prinsip Islam seperti kasih sayang, integritas, dan penghormatan terhadap semua orang. Siswa diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan sholat harian, mempelajari Al-Qur'an, dan sejarah Islam, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan pemahaman yang kuat tentang iman mereka dan relevansinya dengan kehidupan mereka.

Lingkungan pendidikan kami mendorong pertumbuhan spiritual dan membuka dialog tentang isu-isu terkini, memahami dan mengamalkan Islam dalam kehidupan modern. Sehingga melengkapi siswa untuk menjadi individu yang percaya diri atas keilmuan islam yang mereka miliki untuk menunjang dan mendukung kehidupan masa depan mereka.

Keunggulan Akademis

Kurikulum kami secara komprehensif akan menantang siswa dengan pengalaman belajar interaktif, keterampilan berpikir kritis, dan pemecahan masalah secara kreatif.

Kami menawarkan berbagai macam mata pelajaran, termasuk bahasa Arab, studi Islam, matematika, sains, ilmu sosial, dan literasi digital (technology literacy), untuk mempersiapkan siswa meraih kesuksesan dalam pendidikan tinggi dan karier masa depan.

Lebih dari sekadar akademis, kami mendidik dan memanfaatkan bakat-bakat yang dimiliki siswa melalui beragam pilihan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, mulai dari olahraga dan musik hingga klub teknologi.

Mindset Global, Mahir Teknologi

Kurikulum Al-Zayn Islamic School dirancang untuk membekali siswa dengan mindset global dan keterampilan teknologi yang mumpuni. Dua poin ini menjadi landasan penting bagi generasi muda untuk sukses di masa depan yang penuh dengan perubahan dan tantangan global.

Mindset global mendorong siswa untuk berpikir terbuka, memahami berbagai budaya, dan memiliki rasa empati terhadap sesama.

Terletak di jantung Kota Tangerang, Al Zayn menyediakan lingkungan yang hangat dan inklusif bagi siswa, keluarga, dan pengajar dari berbagai latar belakang.

Kami menjunjung tinggi keberagaman dan mendorong komunikasi terbuka, membangun rasa kebersamaan yang kuat di mana setiap orang merasa dihormati dan didukung.

Para guru dan staf kami yang berdedikasi memiliki semangat tinggi untuk membimbing siswa dalam perjalanan belajar dan tumbuh secara individu.

Komunitas dan Kolaborasi

Islamic Comprehensive Curriculum

Al-Zayn Islamic School menawarkan kurikulum komprehensif yang dirancang untuk membina individu yang utuh dengan landasan kuat dalam iman Islam, keunggulan akademis, dan pengembangan pribadi. Kami mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai dan pengetahuan Islam dengan pendidikan sekuler yang kuat, serta literasi digital (technology literacy), mempersiapkan siswa untuk menjadi individu yang berpengaruh bagi masyarakat secara lokal dan global

Islamic Studies

Al-Zayn Islamic School fosters a deep understanding and appreciation of Islam, equipping students to be well-versed in its core principles, historical foundations, and practical application in daily life. Our program integrates traditional Islamic scholarship with critical thinking skills, encouraging students to explore the richness and relevance of Islamic teachings in the contemporary world.

Exploring Faith, Building Character
Quranic Studies

Our program goes beyond memorization (Hifz) to cultivate a deep understanding of the Quran. Students will explore tafseer (interpretation) to unlock the meaning and context of verses, applying these lessons to daily life. Advanced Tajweed (recitation) techniques ensure beautiful and accurate recitation.

Hadith Studies

We delve into the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through authentic Hadith collections. Students will learn to analyze the context and historical significance of Hadiths, fostering critical thinking and ethical decision-making.

Seerah (Biography of the Prophet Muhammad)
Islamic History and Civilization

Students embark on a journey through the Prophet's (PBUH) life, examining his character, struggles, and triumphs. By understanding the historical context of early Islam, students learn valuable lessons in leadership, perseverance, and building a just society.

We explore the rich tapestry of Islamic history, from the rise of Islam to the contributions of Muslim scholars and empires. Students will delve into the advancements made in science, arts, and culture, appreciating the enduring impact of Islamic civilization on the world.

brown and black hardbound book
brown and black hardbound book
a book shelf filled with lots of books
a book shelf filled with lots of books
a close up of a metal plate with arabic writing
a close up of a metal plate with arabic writing
Kaaba, Mecca
Kaaba, Mecca

The Arabic Language

The Arabic Language program at Al-Zayn Islamic School is more than just learning a new way to communicate. It's a gateway to a rich cultural heritage, a deeper understanding of Islamic tradition, and a powerful tool for personal growth. Our comprehensive program caters to students of all levels, fostering a love for the Arabic language and equipping them with the skills to excel in both spoken and written communication.

A Journey Through Language and Culture
Arabic Reading and Writing

Our program develops fluency and comprehension in both Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Classical Arabic. Students will practice handwriting and calligraphy, mastering vocabulary and grammar through engaging activities.

orange flower on white paper
orange flower on white paper
man in black shirt hugging woman in white and red hijab
man in black shirt hugging woman in white and red hijab

We emphasize oral communication skills by incorporating role-playing, dialogues, and discussions in everyday Arabic. Focused pronunciation practice fosters confidence and fluency in speaking the language.

Arabic Conversation
a piece of paper with writing on it
a piece of paper with writing on it
Classical Arabic Literature

Students are introduced to the beauty and wisdom of classical Arabic poetry and prose. Through analysis and appreciation of literary works, they gain exposure to Islamic texts and scriptures in their original form.

Core Academics

At Al-Zayn Islamic School, we believe a well-rounded education goes beyond Islamic Studies and Arabic Language. Our General Education program equips students with the essential skills and knowledge to navigate the complexities of the modern world and become lifelong learners.

A Comprehensive General Education Program
English Language Arts

We cultivate a love for reading with a diverse range of genres, from fiction and poetry to non-fiction informational texts. Students develop critical thinking skills through comprehension strategies, analysis, and literary interpretation. Strong writing skills are fostered through instruction in various forms of writing, including creative writing exercises. Effective communication is honed through presentations, debates, and discussions, while active listening skills are emphasized.


Our program offers a mastery-based approach to arithmetic, ensuring students are confident with basic operations. Problem-solving skills are developed through real-life applications and word problems. The curriculum progressively introduces advanced topics like algebra, geometry, and their practical applications.


Students engage in a hands-on exploration of the natural world through the study of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Concepts are illuminated through laboratory experiments, demonstrations, and investigations, fostering curiosity and scientific thinking.

The Social Studies

The Social Studies program at Al-Zayn Islamic School broadens students' perspectives and fosters a deeper understanding of the world we live in. It equips them with the knowledge and skills to become informed and engaged citizens who can navigate a complex and interconnected global society.

A Journey Through Time, Space, and Society
World History

We embark on a global exploration, examining major civilizations, historical periods, and significant events. Students learn to analyze the causes and consequences of historical developments, gaining a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of the world.

Students travel the world through maps and delve into the study of geographical features, regions, and landscapes. They explore human interaction with the environment and learn to appreciate the diversity of our planet. Analyzing maps and understanding spatial relationships equip them with valuable skills.


We foster responsible and informed citizens by promoting an understanding of civic rights and responsibilities. Through exploration of democratic principles and government structures, students develop a commitment to civic engagement and community involvement.


Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking isn't just another subject at Al-Zayn Islamic Schools; it's the cornerstone of our entire Core Academics program. We believe that equipping students with the ability to analyze information, evaluate arguments, solve problems creatively, and think independently is essential for success not only in higher education but also in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

The essential for the future of our students
Inquiry-Based Learning

We move beyond rote memorization and encourage students to ask questions, delve deeper into topics, and explore different perspectives. This fosters curiosity and a desire to understand the "why" behind the "what."

Source Analysis & Evidence Evaluation

Our program offers a mastery-based approach to arithmetic, ensuring students are confident with basic operations. Problem-solving skills are developed through real-life applications and word problems. The curriculum progressively introduces advanced topics like algebra, geometry, and their practical applications.

Debate & Argumentation Skills

Students engage in a hands-on exploration of the natural world through the study of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Concepts are illuminated through laboratory experiments, demonstrations, and investigations, fostering curiosity and scientific thinking.

Problem-Solving Strategies

Many core academic subjects at Al-Zayn Islamic Schools utilize project-based learning. Students collaborate on projects that require research, analysis, and the construction of well-supported arguments. This fosters teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication skills.

Project-Based Learning

Across all subjects, we incorporate real-world scenarios and case studies that challenge students to think creatively and develop effective problem-solving strategies. This equips them with the critical thinking tools to tackle challenges beyond the classroom.

Integration with Islamic Values

We encourage students to critically analyze information and arguments through the lens of Islamic principles like fairness, justice, and compassion. This approach empowers them to develop a strong moral compass alongside their critical thinking skills.

Life Skills

Life skills are the cornerstone of a well-rounded education, empowering students to become responsible, confident, and successful individuals. They equip students with the essential tools to navigate the complexities of life beyond the classroom. Unlike traditional subjects that focus on knowledge acquisition, life skills cultivate essential abilities like critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, and emotional intelligence. These skills enable students to make sound decisions, build positive relationships, manage challenges effectively, and adapt to an ever-changing world.

A Comprehensive Preparation and Way to Live in the Future

1) Basic Financial Literacy

Foundation in Islamic Values
  • Teach core Islamic principles related to finances, such as avoiding extravagance (israf) and the importance of charity (sadaqah and zakat).

  • Discuss the concept of barakah (divine blessings) associated with responsible spending and avoiding debt.

  • Explore Quranic verses and hadiths that promote financial prudence and ethical business practices.

Building Practical Skills
  • Introduce budgeting skills tailored to different age groups, starting with basic needs and wants differentiation in elementary grades.

  • Simulate real-world scenarios like managing an allowance or planning for a school trip to practice responsible spending habits.

  • Discuss the concept of riba (usury) and explore Islamic alternatives like profit-sharing partnerships (musharaka).

Connecting to the Community
  • Invite guest speakers from Islamic financial institutions to discuss halal investment options and financial planning for the future.

  • Organize charity drives or volunteer projects to connect financial literacy with the importance of giving back to the community.

2) Communication Skills

Quran and Hadith as a Foundation
  • Highlight the Quranic emphasis on kind speech (قول معروف, qaul ma'roof), respectful dialogue, and avoiding gossip (negative speech about others in their absence).

  • Draw lessons from the Prophet's (PBUH) communication style, known for clarity, empathy, and effective conflict resolution.

Developing Effective Communication
  • Practice active listening skills through role-playing scenarios and discussions.

  • Focus on clear and concise communication, both written and verbal, emphasizing the importance of delivering messages effectively.

  • Integrate debate skills within an Islamic framework, encouraging respectful exchange of ideas and perspectives based on evidence.

Building Confidence in Different Contexts
  • Organize presentations, debates, and group projects to allow students to practice communication skills in various settings.

  • Encourage students to express themselves confidently while respecting diverse viewpoints.

  • Connect communication skills to Islamic teachings on dawah (propagating Islam) and promoting positive social change.

3) Problem-Solving

Critical Thinking Rooted in Islamic Values
  • Develop critical thinking skills by presenting students with case studies based on Islamic principles.

  • Encourage students to analyze situations, identify the root cause of problems, and consider solutions that adhere to Islamic teachings.

  • Discuss the importance of seeking knowledge (istekhara) and guidance from Allah (SWT) when making complex decisions.

Developing Decision-Making Skills
  • Emphasize the importance of considering different perspectives and potential consequences of their choices.

  • Encourage students to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of various solutions based on Islamic ethics and the greater good of the community.

  • Integrate problem-solving exercises into various subjects, such as science experiments or historical debates, to promote holistic learning.

Building Confidence in Different Contexts
  • Organize presentations, debates, and group projects to allow students to practice communication skills in various settings.

  • Encourage students to express themselves confidently while respecting diverse viewpoints.

  • Connect communication skills to Islamic teachings on dawah (propagating Islam) and promoting positive social change.

By implementing these comprehensive Life Skills programs, Al-Zayn Islamic School can equip its students with the necessary tools to navigate everyday challenges, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to their communities, all while adhering to Islamic values and principles.

Physical Education & Health

Physical education and health at Al-Zayn Islamic School extend beyond mere physical fitness. It fosters a well-rounded approach that integrates Islamic teachings for a holistic understanding of well-being for the body, mind, and spirit.

Cultivating a Holistic Approach to be Active and Healthy

1) Embracing Physical Activity

Promoting Fitness with Islamic Modesty
  • Design physical activities that adhere to Islamic guidelines on dress code, ensuring both participation and respect for religious principles.

  • Explore options like loose-fitting sportswear, designated same-gender activity times, or alternative activities that promote fitness while maintaining modesty (e.g., swimming with appropriate attire).

  • Highlight the importance of maintaining a healthy body as a "trust" from Allah (SWT), emphasizing the need for physical activity.

Fostering Inclusivity and Enjoyment
  • Offer a variety of sports and activities catered to different age groups, interests, and physical abilities.

  • Integrate games and exercises that promote teamwork, sportsmanship, and a sense of community within the Islamic framework of brotherhood and sisterhood.

  • Encourage participation and enjoyment of physical activity, fostering a lifelong love for fitness.

Connecting to Islamic History and Culture
  • Explore historical Islamic sports and physical activities like archery, horseback riding, and swimming, highlighting their significance in past Muslim societies.

  • Discuss the emphasis on physical strength and resilience in Islamic texts and traditions, fostering a positive association with physical activity.

2) Nurturing Well-being Through Islamic Teachings

Purity and Cleanliness
  • Embed the importance of cleanliness (tahara) as a core Islamic principle, drawing connections to practices like wudu (ablution) before prayers.

  • Promote hygiene through handwashing routines, proper use of facilities, and healthy habits like showering regularly.

Nourishing the Body
  • Integrate Islamic dietary guidelines into lessons on healthy eating.

  • Discuss the importance of consuming halal food and avoiding harmful substances.

  • Promote balanced meals based on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, adhering to Islamic teachings on moderation.

Rest and Rejuvenation
  • Highlight the importance of adequate sleep and rest for physical and mental well-being, drawing connections to the Islamic concept of night prayer (tahajjud) and the virtue of seeking rest (qiyam al-layl).

  • Discuss healthy sleep routines and habits that promote physical and mental rejuvenation.

By integrating these elements, Al-Zayn Islamic School's physical education and health curriculum can cultivate a holistic understanding of well-being informed by Islamic values. This will empower students to become responsible for their physical and mental health, contributing to a balanced and fulfilling life.

Mental and Emotional Well-being
  • Introduce practices like mindfulness and gratitude from an Islamic perspective, emphasizing the importance of reflecting on Allah's (SWT) blessings and developing a positive outlook.

  • Encourage students to identify healthy coping mechanisms for stress and negative emotions, drawing connections to Islamic practices like prayer (salah) and seeking solace in Allah (SWT).

Kesadaran Global dan Kecakapan Digital

Al-Zayn Islamic School menawarkan kurikulum komprehensif yang dirancang untuk membina individu yang utuh dengan landasan kuat dalam iman Islam, keunggulan akademis, dan pengembangan pribadi. Kami mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai dan pengetahuan Islam dengan pendidikan sekuler yang kuat, serta literasi teknologi (technology literacy) sebagai bagian integral dari kurikulum, mempersiapkan siswa untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat global yang sukses. Kurikulum Al-Zayn Islamic School dirancang dengan cermat untuk membekali siswa dengan kesadaran global dan kecakapan digital yang mumpuni. Dua pilar penting ini menjadi landasan utama bagi generasi muda untuk meraih kesuksesan di masa depan yang penuh dengan perubahan dan peluang global.

Membentuk Generasi Masa Depan yang Tech-Savvy

1) Kesadaran Global

Memahami Dunia yang Berubah

Kurikulum Al-Zayn Islamic School membantu siswa untuk memahami kompleksitas dunia yang terus berubah, termasuk berbagai budaya, isu global, dan tren terkini.

Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif

Siswa didorong untuk berpikir kritis dan kreatif dalam mencari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan global, dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai perspektif dan budaya.

Berkomunikasi dan Berkolaborasi

Di era digital ini, kemampuan berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi secara efektif dengan orang lain dari berbagai belahan dunia menjadi sangat penting. Kurikulum Al-Zayn Islamic School memupuk kemampuan ini melalui berbagai kegiatan dan proyek kolaboratif.

Menjadi Warga Negara Global yang Bertanggung Jawab

Siswa didorong untuk memiliki rasa tanggung jawab dan kepedulian terhadap sesama, serta berkontribusi dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan global.

1) Kecakapan Digital

Keterampilan Berpikir Komputasional

Di era digital, penguasaan keterampilan berpikir komputasional menjadi sangat penting. Al-Zayn Islamic School memperkenalkan siswa pada konsep berpikir komputasional sejak dini, sehingga mereka dapat mengembangkan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah secara logis dan sistematis.

Penggunaan Teknologi Pendidikan yang Inovatif

Al-Zayn Islamic School memanfaatkan berbagai teknologi pendidikan yang inovatif untuk membuat proses belajar mengajar menjadi lebih menarik, interaktif, dan efektif.

Pengembangan Literasi Digital yang Kuat

Siswa dibimbing untuk menggunakan teknologi secara bijak dan bertanggung jawab, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk mengakses informasi yang akurat dan terpercaya dari berbagai sumber digital.

Kesempatan untuk Mengikuti Berbagai Proyek dan Kompetisi Teknologi

Al-Zayn Islamic School memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengikuti berbagai proyek dan kompetisi teknologi untuk mengembangkan bakat dan minat mereka di bidang teknologi.

Kurikulum Al-Zayn Islamic School yang terintegrasi dengan kesadaran global dan kecakapan digital akan membantu siswa untuk menjadi generasi masa depan yang tangguh, adaptif, dan siap untuk menghadapi berbagai tantangan di masa depan.

Dengan menggabungkan nilai-nilai Islam yang luhur dengan pendidikan modern yang inovatif, Al-Zayn Islamic School memberikan pendidikan terbaik bagi generasi muda Muslim untuk menjadi pemimpin masa depan yang tangguh dan berpengaruh bagi dunia.

We look forward to welcoming your child to the Al-Zayn Islamic Schools Kindergarten & Primary Years program!